Trauma is a Crisis Affecting Every Nation


If I asked you, “What is the greatest human crisis in the world today?” What would your reply be? If I also told you that hundreds of millions of people worldwide are being adversely affected by this crisis and that multitudes of people are living marginalized lives. That they are being held down, held back, and are being prevented from realizing their God-given destiny. It’s amazing how few people recognize this crisis. Few are discussing it and very few are praying against it. This crisis is definitely flying below the Church’s radar. Finally, what if I told you this crisis is running rampant in your home country? What is this crisis? Simply stated, it is the multitude of people who are living their lives bound and yoked to the “Spirit of Trauma”.

This crisis is found in every nation of the world as millions of people have or are experiencing some type and level of emotional trauma. The Cambridge Dictionary defines “Emotional Trauma: as a severe emotional shock or pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience”.  Medical science calls this trauma: “PTSD” (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). The accepted form of treatment is counseling and medication. I submit to you that the “Emotional Trauma” I am discussing here is a Spirit and there is no amount of counseling or drugs that will ever expel a Spirit. Especially a Spirit as long enduring and powerful as the one we are discussing here.

Let’s look at this spirit.

When Adam and Eve committed the first sin (pride) the result was that they were cast out from the presence of God. They lost their intimate relationship with the One who created them. It’s hard to imagine the level of trauma they experienced? Didn’t the trauma they experienced birth the first dysfunctional family in which the first-born son, Cain, committed the first taking of a human life? That action produced great trauma in Cain’s life and so on and so on. Well, you see where this is going. Trauma was born out of the first sin and from that day until today a thread has been woven through humanity that sin and trauma live hand in hand. Where there is sin, there is trauma; a consequence of the Fall. Every person on earth has been touched by this Spirit.

When a traumatic experience occurs, it affects a person on a cellular level, as the body’s cell's have memory receptors. This experience makes an imprint (memory) on a person’s soul, like an x-ray or a negative of a photo. The Spirit attaches itself to the person, using the imprint (memory) to make sure the memory and experience remains with the person. Satan uses this Spirit to adversely affect people’s lives. In John 10:10 the Bible tells us that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. The “Spirit of Trauma” comes to “kill” our gifting, “steal” our God-given destiny and to “destroy” the good plan God has for us. It hides in the darkness of our souls, waiting for an opportune time to emerge, cause havoc, and then return to the darkness.

Emotional trauma is very often generational, affecting the offspring of the traumatized as children will learn and mimic the harmful behaviors of the parents.

Recently I listened to a pastor talk about the abuse he suffered under an alcoholic father. As he continued sharing, my Spirit was revealing to me that what the pastor was describing was the“Spirit of Trauma,” although he never used the word trauma. I realized that trauma wears many hats, has many faces and uses many names. “Trauma” by any other name is still “Trauma”. I pray that we will have the ability to discern who our battle is with. We need to stop praying against the symptoms, recognize and pull down the strongman, the “Spirit of Trauma”.

Darkness is trauma’s greatest friend.

People avoid talking about it. They prefer that it stay hidden so they don’t have to deal with it. Many don’t understand that they are dealing with a Spirit. Most have no awareness that it even exists. Some associate a stigma that it implies mental illness so they deny it. In many nations so many people are traumatized that it seems normal for them. They can’t see the forest for the trees. For this Spirit, the less it is acknowledged, the better it likes it, and the better Satan likes it. Lack of awareness is its strength. Trauma might be Satan’s greatest tool to disrupt the lives of all humanity.

How then do we fight this Spirit?

First, we have to recognize who and what it is we are fighting against. If you don’t know who your adversary is how can you effectively do battle against it.This is where the Church has missed the mark. It has failed to discern who the “strongman” is and how powerful and all-encompassing its effects have been to all humanity. It has failed to identify and expose this Spirit causing our prayers to be ineffective. Our prayers have long been too general and not specific. We have been shooting our spiritual weapons blindfolded as to our intended target.

Light is the Best Weapon!

In the same way that darkness is the “Spirit of Trauma’s” greatest friend, light is its greatest enemy and is our best weapon. The Bible says that where there is light, there can be no darkness. If there is no darkness the “Spirit of Trauma” has no place to hide. When the “Spirit of Trauma” is exposed (identified) and brought into the light, then we can see our adversary (in the Spirit). We can pray specific (focused) prayers with sniper like accuracy. The community of faith has to come together in a specific (focused) unified prayer. Our specific (focused), corporate and unified prayer will be devastating to the existence of this Spirit.

Now, where does this light come from?

There is only one source. It is the light of the Holy Spirit of God. It is the supernatural power that radiates from His presence. So, for our prayers to be effective against the “Spirit of Trauma” it is critical that we ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the presence of this Spirit. We must ask that the Holy Spirit would illuminate the darkness where the “Spirit of Trauma” hides in the soul of a person. We must ask that He would illuminate the land, the atmosphere, the water and everywhere there is darkness giving the “Spirit of Trauma” a hiding place. We must ask that He would guide our prayers like a well thrown spear. The “Spirit of Trauma” cannot survive immersed in the light. In the light, it is vulnerable to the prayers of the saints. The Bible says that the “prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effectual.” How much more effective are the prayers of the corporate Church. Let us recap this point, it is only the specific (focused), corporate and unified prayer of God’s children that will be effective in destroying the “Spirit of Trauma.”

How then do we pray?

Let us make no mistake. It is only the power of God and His Holy Spirit that will rid the earth of this Spirit. Our only weapon is prayer, using the “Word of God,” which is our double-edged sword and able to cut the roots of any adversary. The source of strength for this Spirit are the root issues that spawned the trauma symptoms. We must deal with the root issues or we will never be rid of the “Spirit of Trauma” and there is no greater power on earth than the Word of Almighty God!

Why then do we pray?

As believers, the Bible is very clear that we are to pray in every situation and Jesus himself exclaimed in Matthew 21:13 that “My house is to be called a house of prayer.” Many believers suffer the same torment unbelievers suffer concerning trauma, but even so, our salvation is sealed by our faith in Christ. In Luke 19:42 as Jesus is about to enter Jerusalem (days prior to His crucifixion) and He looks over the land and laments, that if the people only knew what they were missing, the day of their visitation, the end of all their problems and the end of all their trauma. Unfortunately, their hearts were not right with God and they missed the day of their deliverance. There is another day coming, another visitation, another day of victory.

God does not want a single person to miss this day. He longs for all of humanity to be waiting and prepared for His second coming. The issue is this, because of the “Spirit of Trauma” millions will not be ready when the Lord comes. Millions are not in a place where they have the capacity to receive God’s gift of grace. The “Spirit of Trauma” keeps them in a place of hopelessness, their lives unbalanced. We (the Church) are to pray that the “Spirit of Trauma” be broken off the backs of every nation, and that every nation be healed, be made whole, be emotionally delivered and that every soul would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

God grieves for His hurting creation.

Church, it is up to us!

We have dropped the ball, but the game is not lost. We know who wins, the only question that remains is how many of us will be there to celebrate His victory. The enemy has built a stronghold. It is dug in and thinks it is ready to battle God’s Church. Using military jargon, we (the Church) need to carpet bomb the enemy. Carpet bomb every nation with specific (focused)prayers against the enemy with prayers that will break the back of the “Spirit of Trauma.”Prayers that will set all nations free, and as the people are set free, we will see the most massive harvest of souls the world has ever seen.

Some Causes of Trauma

    • War – Global/Regional/Civil/Genocide
    • Poverty/Homelessness
    • Drought/Famine
    • Political Unrest
    • Violent Injury/Crime/Accidents
    • Rape/Sexual Abuse
    • Domestic Violence/Physical and verbal abuse/Divorce
    • Catastrophic weather or natural events i.e. hurricanes/tornados/earthquakes
    • Loss of Life/ Murder/ accidental/ natural/Abortion
    • Child Abuse - Kidnapping/Human Trafficking/Child Soldiers
    • Religious Persecution/Intolerance
    • Disease
    • Incarceration/Prison
    • Prejudice/Racism
    • Abusive peer pressure/Bullying
    • Dysfunctional family life


Strongman of Trauma

Physical Symptoms – Fruit / Strongholds -
Produced by Trauma

PANIC / STRESS / Insomnia / Nightmares / Insecurity /
Fatigue / Apathy / Illness / Despair / Denial / Headaches /
Abdominal Distress / Irritability / Withdrawal / Skin Disorder /
Unbelief / Hypertension / Alcoholism / Drug Addiction /
Suicide / Addictive & Immoral Behavior / Backsliding / Walking
away from their faith

                    Emotional Symptoms                     (Seeds / Strongholds –Root Spirits of Trauma)

FEAR / ANGER / Hopelessness / Depression / Infirmity &
Death / Doubt / Confusion / Inability to Trust / Anxiety / Envy /
Guilt / Shame / Lust / Unforgiveness / Bitterness / Rejection /
Grief / Loneliness

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